Grayson wants to build more housing, reduce homelessness, and fight climate change.

Read more about the issues >


Portland needs a leader who gets things done.

Born in Camden and growing up working in his family’s restaurant, Grayson understood from an early age the struggles that working people face. His upbringing fueled his passion to fight for fairness and reform.

Grayson worked on the Maine Ranked Choice Voting Campaign and on Bernie Sanders campaign. Before that, he worked in healthcare with youth experiencing homelessness and with people struggling with substance use.

In 2020, amidst the challenges of the pandemic, Grayson ran for and won a seat in the state legislature, to represent off-Peninsula Portlanders in Augusta. He has been a strong advocate for housing justice and criminal justice reform, working to create fairer and more equitable policies.

Grayson is a former EMT, and currently a theatertech at Merrill Auditorium alongside IATSE Local 114. He is also a seasonal kayaking guide in Casco Bay. He’s a homeowner in Portland’s Nason’s Corner Neighborhood.

Solution Seeker

The Maine People’s Alliance named Grayson the “Solution Seeker” in their 2024 Legislative Scorecard, for championing alternatives to youth incarceration and innovative solutions to our affordable housing crisis.


  • Two-term Democratic House Representative from Portland (District 113 - Outer Portland).

  • Secured tens of millions of dollars for affordable housing construction, rent relief and transportation in Portland.

  • Wrote and passed legislation to create a new pathway to fund affordable housing construction, and a state-level Eviction Prevention Program.

  • Wrote and passed legislation to create a Served on the Legislature’s Joint Select Committee for Housing, which examined Maine’s housing shortage and investigated methods to build more affordable housing.

  • Successfully advanced legislation to address homelessness and opioid use disorder.

  • Wrote and passed the strongest statewide regulation of facial surveillance technology of any state in the country.

The Nitty Gritty Details: “I passed an amendment for LD 2 that freed up millions of dollars a year to be used for housing support services for people experiencing homelessness. I wrote and passed LD 1867 through both houses to create a community housing developer, however the Governor declined to fund it. In my first session I sponsored legislation to create an emergency rental assistance program for the state, and we enacted a pilot program this session to do that. I also co-sponsored: LD 1422 an act to end homelessness and assist students who are homeless, LD 1505 which helped create cooperative housing, LD 226 which added millions of dollars to low income housing development , and LD 1673 to encourage affordable housing and mixed use development.”

“You want to be both a House Rep
and a Councilor?”

Yes — we need more coordination and cooperation between the City Council and Portland's Delegation to Augusta if we're going to solve our most pressing problems.

It’s pretty common in Maine, and it's been done before in Portland: Gerry Conley Sr. served simultaneously as a State Senator and a City Councilor, and Jill Duson ran to be a State Senator while keeping her City Council seat in 2018.

I want to bridge the divide between City Hall and the State House and bring everyone together to serve our city more effectively.

Community Leaders Supporting Grayson

proud to have the support of these Great Folks:

Joey Brunelle

Bayside Neighborhood Resident, Advocate for Clean Elections, Former Pride Portland Board Member

“I’ve been waiting for someone like Grayson for a long time. He’s a problem-solver, always seeking different perspectives, collaboration and innovative solutions. And he’s one of the hardest workers I know. Portland needs his leadership right now.”

Sarah Lentz

Portland School Board Chair

Charles Skold

Portland House Representative District 119 (Munjoy Hill & Islands)

Gretchen Phoenix

Parkside Resident & Member of the Portland Democratic City Committee

“I'm supporting Grayson because he has the best plan for housing that will create an inclusive and accessible Portland for everyone”

Dylan Pugh

Democratic Nominee for House District 114 (East/North Deering), Former Mayoral Candidate

Zack Barowitz

Libbytown Resident & Neighborhood Advocate, Former Charter Commissioner

“Grayson is one of the very few politicians who I can confidently say gets things done. He is always open to innovative ways to serve our communities. That he is smart and insightful is a bonus, but secondary to his skill to move things forward.”

Kate Sykes

City Councilor, District 5

“I trust Grayson’s his skills, knowledge, and political compass on all of the big issues facing Portland. Grayson will show up at City Hall on day-one, and every day thereafter, with a mission to solve our housing and labor shortages once and for all.”

Liz Trice

Portland Resident

Lookner has visited social housing projects globally, and spent his term in the Legislature educating on its benefits and mechanics.” [Letter]

Tony Donovan

Passenger Rail Advocate, Portland Resident

During Rep. Grayson Lookner’s terms as legislator representing Portland, he has been a tireless advocate for environmental protections and addressing climate change. Grayson is a leader who always responds to constituent needs and has always stood for good progressive solutions to climate, housing and transportation.

Ryan Lizanecz

Former Charter Commissioner, West End Resident

“Grayson will bring energy and new ideas to the city council that Portland desperately needs. I know he will be an outstanding advocate for everyone in Portland. He's a listener and a data driven person who I trust.”

Jerzy Sylvester

Chair, Peaks Island Council

Anthony Emerson

Portland Public Schools Advocate, Riverton Resident

“Grayson Lookner has been one of the biggest advocates for a students and teachers in Augusta. In city hall, he’ll continue to protect our schools from reactionary book bans and understaffing. I’m proud to endorse him.”

Damon Yakovleff

Member of Portland Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee,
Fmr. Member of the Democratic State Committee

I strongly support Grayson because he is focused on the greatest crisis we are facing as a city today: the housing affordability crisis. His social housing proposals are our best path forward to solving the crisis by creating a dependable supply of affordable units in the long term. I hope you will join me in supporting Grayson Lookner for City Council.

Ali Ali

Candidate for School Board, District 2

Bre Kidman

Former U.S. Senate Candidate, Transgender Advocate